My Certification Goals

One of my favorite things about occupational therapy is the countless opportunities to grow, learn, and develop specialized skills. It is such a large field with opportunities to work with different groups of people with diverse needs. In addition to becoming an entry-level practitioner and providing direct care in a pediatric setting, I have the opportunity to advance my knowledge and specialize within my field of interest.

AOTA offers several certifications including a certification in pediatrics. If you are also interested in this certification here are the bench marks you will need to achieve:

1. Five years of experience as an occupational therapist  
2. 5,000 hours in the area you are looking to be certified in within the last five years
3. 500 hours of providing OT services as an OT in the certification area in the past 5 years
4. Complete an application and a reflective portfolio that will also be peer reviewed 
5. Note that you will need to renew this certification every five years 

I also hope to become a Certified Autism Specialist. As a practitioner in the field of pediatrics, I know I will work with children with autism quite regularly and will need continuing education and experience in order to best treat clients in this population. The steps to achieve this certification are as follows: 

1.  Two years of working at an occupational therapist

2. 14 continuing education hours
3. Pass the Exam and renew every 2 years

I am truly grateful to be working towards a field that has so much to offer for its clients and its practitioners. I know I will never get bored and always have a challenge to be a life long leaner!

For more information on the certifications available for the field of occupational therapy click on this link:
OT Potenial blog

Lyon, S. (2017, October 04). Where to Go with an OT Degree?: OT Certifications and Specialties. Retrieved February 01, 2018, from to go with an OT degree


  1. This profession is wide and deep! You can do anything!♡♡


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