
Showing posts from September, 2019

Reflection: Mock Interview

When preparing for the mock interview, I first reviewed my resume and refreshed my memory on my various experiences, achievements, and goals. From there I practiced answering common interview questions and choosing what questions I would ask post interview. Participating in the interview was helpful especially gaining practice in a low stakes setting and receiving constructive feedback. Something that I can improve on is making eye contact. The interviewer shared with me that initially I appeared to be looking “past her” but eventually began making eye contact as the interview progressed. Eye contact and body position is something I will continue to work on and stay more aware of. Although this wasn't mentioned, I also need to continue to stay aware of the rate of which I speak. I have a tendency to talk fast and have to work to slow down when I am answering interview questions.  According to the interviewer, my answers to her questions were “spot on”. That was really enc