Lecture Reflection: Aging Adults and Sexual Health
When thinking about aging adults, it is not uncommon for society as a whole to assume that sex and sexuality is not an important part of an older adult’s day to day life. However, our guest lecturer today proved that assumption to be a myth. Based on statistics she shared, sex and sexual health is an important and integral part of an older adult’s life. Some key takeaway points include physical issues adults will face as they age and how it changes their sexual responses. This includes but is not limited to hardening of arteries and high blood pressure which affects blood flow. Also, cancer treatments along with other medications can cause fatigue, depression, and loss of libido. And finally, arthritis, weakened muscles, and limited range of motion can limit positioning. How and why would an occupational therapist address sexual health in the aging adult population? First, sex is an occupation that statistics show is very meaningful to older adults. There are many things occu...