Inside the O'Briens
"Inside the O'Briens" is a novel that follows the O'Brien family as they cope with their father's recent diagnosis with Huntington's disease and their genetic disposition to the disease. When a parent is diagnosed with Huntington's disease, their children each have a 50/50 chance of inheriting the disease as well. In reflecting on this book, what stuck out to me the most was how this disease affects each member of the family in such different and complex ways. Joe is having to accept the new diagnosis, cope with the realization that his mother also died from disease rather than alcohol, and cope with how his progressive and death will affect his family emotionally and financially. His kids are mourning the impending progression of this disease they will witness in their father while simultaneously questioning everything about their own lives if and when they learn they are carriers. Their is heartbreak, resentment, loss, guilt, and many other ...